Diy Dreamcatcher

There are many wonderful traditional enchantments all over the world. But frankly, one of the most popular and one of my favorite charms is the dreamcatcher. Traditionally the dreamcatcher is a handmade charm with a lot of Knot Magic Powers. It consists of a Willow hoop on which a spider web is woven. It’s use is not just to drive bad dreams off. The dreamcatcher’s purpose is to protect children not only from nightmares, but from all causes of bad luck and misfortune. Let’s start with tutorial!

The procedure is very easy, you don’t need a lot of skills, you just need materials and some patience. The material that you will need can be various, it depends on what you can buy and what desing you have on your mind. In case that you can’t find a hoop, you can make it from cardboard.

1. Choose a fabric to use as the base and wrap around the entire hoop.

2. Then go ahead and grab your waxed cord or string ( What ever you decide to use )

3. Then tight the knot on the hoop, do the same step on the hoop a few times (it depends on you how many times your want to tight the hoop), you can be creative and make a shape that you want, in case you want to make a star shape, you will need 6 knots .

4. Create the second layer of web. Loop the string around the midpoint of the first line of thread. Using the same technique, loop it around the string and over itself strengthen the web.

5. Continue the procedure until a small circle forms in the middle. Hang the strips of fabric and you can add things like feathers, pearls and ornaments if you want to.

That’s that from the tutorial, if you try to make it, make sure that you tell me how you did, i hope that you can successfully make it. I hope that you have the sweetest dreams tonight, kisses! ♥♥♥


    • If you don’t know what to do, or don’t have many ideas, you can for sure try to make a dream cather. It is not that hard to make. You can be as creative as you want. Make a shape that you like and pick a color that you like for the string. In the end when you finish, you will be satisfied with what you’ve crafted.


    • Thank you. I am glad that you like it. It’s a simple decoration that can be fun to make. If you are ever bored and don’t know what to do, and you want to decorate your home a little bit, the dreamcatcher is a easy and fun thing to make.


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