How to travel on a budget

Traveling can be expensive and can cost you more than what you expected. So, how to travel on a budget and yet still enjoy your travels? here are my tips for travel on budget.

1. Sleep Cheap – It’s nice to sleep in a luxury hotel with the pool, but you can do that in your own city, if you want to travel far and you want to get to know other cities, countries, and cultures, you don’t need luxury hotels, you can go and stay and sleep in a lower star hotel, apartment, hostel, motel, what ever you decide, you can have a good night sleep.

2. Hit up Happy Hours- Even though you’re on vacation, you and your wallet still deserve happy hours.

3. Explore before you go shopping – Don’t buy the first thing that you see when you want to shop. Those sneakers or that souvenir that you like might be cheaper at another store. Tourist place are filled with many shops, and most of them have the same merchandise with different prices.

4. Travel during the low-peak season and avoid traveling during the summer and around.

5. Eat where the locals eat – In a tourist place, specially in the center the restaurants are really expensive, there are a lot of cheaper places that the locals know and where they eat. Is there a better way to try out the traditional local food than to eat where the locals do?

6. Walk as much as possible- There are a lot of main attractions, but if you walk around a bit, you can for sure find out more places that you can get something cheaper and save money.

7. Talk to the locals- Don’t be afraid to ask locals about the best and cheapest restaurants and shops and what are the cheapest forms of entertainment. They for sure know where are the cheapest places, and they can tell you how to enjoy them for the cheapest and best price.

8. Think of Churches as Free Museums.

9. Go to museums and tourist – attraction on free days. Most of the tourist places have a free- entrance days for museums and big tourist attractions. There is nothing better than a free visit to a tourist attraction

10. Pick your budget- friendly destination- if you’re on a tight budget, but want to travel, then you need to look i to budget- friendly destinations. Some places are cheaper then others, so do some exploring.


    • You are welcome. I am glad that i helped. It’s much better to save money and buy things that you can have in your home and when you look at them, they can take you back to the beautiful memories. What and where to eat is always a big question and it’s best to find places that are less expensive. Hotels are way to expensive and the luxury that you can have there, you can probably have in your town if you town has a luxury hotel. Better to find a cheaper option on where to stay. And you just only probably need a place to sleep and to maybe cook and rest a bit. It’s definitely better to save up some money by finding cheaper things and places to stay and buy, than to spend a lot of money in overpriced places and shops.

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    • Thank you. The locals for sure know where is the best place to eat cheaply. If you can find some restaurants that are a little bit further from the center, you might find a better and maybe even tastier food for a way cheaper price. Better to spend more money on souvenirs and clothes and stuff, than to buy some food and drinks in a restaurant in the center. I am glad that you like my tips.

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  1. Great advices. I always try to stay in hostel as it saves so much money. I also don’t like to eat at fancy restaurants, because it’s so expensive, I prefer to cook easy meals or go to affordable places, it can save so much money. Lovely post dear. xx

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    • Thank you so much. Yeah, fancy hotels and restaurants are just too expensive. If your city has got a hotel, you can just go there and experience the same things that you would experience in a tourist place hotel. Better to spend money in a tourist place, and buy something that you can have in your home and every time you look at it, you can remember the place that you have stayed than to stay in a fancy hotel for a few days. Premade food and easy meals are a much better solution for eating and saving money.


    • I think that people that give you your apartments and places to stay are more that glad to help you out with a recommendation on where to eat cheaply. Most of them are friendly and want to help out. Some of them do it probably so you would enjoy the stay even better and maybe come back again, some of them would like to tell you where to eat cheaply because they want you to have the best stay and try out their traditional and tasty food. It’s better to ask the locals and it’s much cheaper. Thank you so much. I am glad to hear that you liked my tips.

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    • You are welcome. You are right. It is easy to travel on a budget while you are young. When you get old, maybe you can’t sleep on a cheap mattress because it’s too hard or too soft, or you can’t sleep on their pillow, or you can’t stand loud noises and so on. When you are older you are not probably looking to stay in a tourist place on cheap, you are probably just trying to relax and have a rest, and just enjoy the moments. I am glad that you liked my post.

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