Toilet Paper Pumpkins

You have probably meet with the Toilet Paper Pumpkins, but you have to admit that it’s really nice and very practical to make. Crafting is so easy and you won’t spend a lot of time making it.

1. Lay out your fabric square. Place a roll of toilet paper in the center

2. Grab one corner of the fabric and tuck it inside the toilet paper roll using your fingers to push it down.

3. Continue with the other three corners, gathering up the fabric as you stuff each corner into the center of the toilet paper roll

4. Put a stick on top of the toilet paper, push it to the bottom so it doesn’t drop while you move it. The stick will secure the fabric inside the toilet paper so the fabric won’t slip out of the toilet paper.

I saw a different way to make the Toilet Paper Pumpkin in which you unroll the toilet paper a few times, then loosely roll it back up, twisting and scrunching the toilet paper as you do so, so it looks even more round and it looks more like a real pumpkin. But i like it more with out that, but it’s up to you which one you like.

Aren’t they cute ?


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